Friday, November 2, 2007

Family Footsteps
The TV program is a documentary. It's talking about Susila who was born to an Indian father and an Australian mother, travels to India in the footsteps of her family's past.

Friday, September 21, 2007

October Fest

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Oktoberfest is a two - week Beer Festival held in Germany during late September and early October. There are six million people attending every year. It's the largest beer festival in the world.

Munich is the beer capital of the world. It is the home of beer-halls, beer-gardens, beer-cellars and the legendary Oktoberfest. Beer plays a central role in the fair, with every festival beginning with a key of beer tapped by the Mayor of Munich who declares"O'zaptt is!" (Bavarian:"It's tapped!"). A special Oktoberfest beer is brewed for the occasion, which is slightly darker and stronger, in both taste and alcohot.

There are nearly 200 years since the first Oktoberfest took place on 12th of October,1810 to celebrate Crown Prince Ludwig's wedding. Oktoberfest has been celebrated every year since 1811. The massive Bavarian Volksfest begins each year on a Saturday in September and ends 16-18 days later (usually) on the first Sunday in October.

Friday, August 10, 2007

a letter to council

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in support of council should banning smoking in restaurants. I think banning smoking in restaurants is a very good idea.

I believe smoking in restaurants could cause illnesses. Also smoking in restaurants could spoils taste of food. And smoking in restaurants could pollute the environment.

So I think banning smoking in restaurant is very important. Council should banning smoking in restaurant.

Yours Sincerely

Irene Ai